About trivago: Compare hotel prices

Discover the great deals, compare hotel prices & save money on your next holiday or trip when you search for hotels with trivago!

Find hotels for holidays or business trips and discover a cheap last minute city break or winter sun weekend deal. With more than a million hotels to choose from and hundreds of worldwide booking sites to compare, plan your next trip stress-free and find great deals and discounts with the world’s largest hotel app!

Top 5 Reasons to Download trivago:
1. Compare hotels and find rooms from hundreds of bookings sites in over 190 different countries.
2. Find the great prices, deals & savings from hotels worldwide so you can travel cheaply.
3. Set a trip itinerary, discover hotels near attractions or search with your budget in mind.
4. Save vacation and travel sites so you can book your ideal hotel at your convenience.
5. Use the trivago Rating Index to see the combined online ratings of available hotel review scores and feel confident in your travel decisions.

Top trivago features :
Discover Top Deals Nearby
• Explore deals for hotels and vacation homes in easy-to-reach destinations near you.
• Score a stay that’s more than 10% cheaper than usual.
Make your next trip stress-free with trivago and search for hotels in hundreds of countries. Compare room prices and travel for cheap with deals on hotels all around the world!

Search for hotels, motels or B&B’s and compare prices across the top booking sites including Expedia,, Holidaycheck, AlphaRooms, LateRooms, Travelrepublic,, ebookers,, Priceline, HotelTonight and more.

Find hotels near well-known sights and set a maximum price to keep your search within budget. Easily search by location and price to discover cheap hotels & deals for your last minute trip.

Save money while on vacation and travel with confidence. Use the trivago app to find great hotel deals to make your next holiday or business trip stress-free.

Find hotels with one of the world’s best travel apps:
- The Guardian lists trivago among the “10 best money-saving apps.”
- Tech Times calls trivago one of the “must have apps for frequent travelers.”
- Lifehacker lists trivago among the “best price-comparison apps you need to download.”

Download trivago to search for the great hotels, compare prices and plan for future bookings while on the go!

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5.94.0 (90 MB)
Apr 20, 2023
4+ Years
First Released
Jun 15, 2010
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